Teacher Appreciation Gift Survey
Every year I do a small range of Teacher Appreciation gifts, and when deciding on the range, I usually rely largely on general trends and gut feel – not terribly scientific – but typical of most creatives! This year I happened across a survey that was done in 2015 with American teachers on their gifts…
The Birth of Bis-Scottie
It’s certainly been a long while since my last blog! What’s sparked this one is the launch of Terrier Firma’s new range… BIS-SCOTTIE! If any of you have ever had a pup with allergies, you will relate. I seem to have a knack for attracting fur-kids with special needs – I guess the universe knows…
Laying out a Family Photo Wall
Well, I have seen so many beautiful photo walls on Pintrest, that after repainting our family room I decided to do my own slightly more eclectic version than the lovely modern ones I am typically drawn to. For me it’s all about working with what you’ve got. So these are the tools I used: Tape…
Displaying on a Budget
Having left the corporate world 5 months ago to start my own business, I have regained the balance in my life, and have been introduced to new challenges – like blogging! Starting Terrier Firma has meant finding ways to get the little customised products I make out there. On a limited budget and as a…